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Offered by DOG INC. -A Doggy Day Care (pet
sitting) service providing a stay full of play!

How does your dog take staying home alone?
Does s/he play mischief from loneliness? Even if
s/he behaves, do you feel guilty for leaving him/
her lonely everyday? Lack of communication
often leads to problems. Even if you leave your
dog in someone else's care, if they don't have
knowledge about dogs, that can also cause a
problem according to the circumstances. Well
now, here's good news for those troubled pets
and owners! At DOG INC.'s Day Care, dogs can
be free of stress as they spend the day playing
with the professional staff and other doggy
friends in a spacious 90 square-meters indoor
Play Court. Prices are set reasonably for
customers who may require daily use.
DAY CARE REPORT; How they Spend the Day!
Facility Rules
Day Care Price List→ 料金表

Personalities - Dogs have them, too!

Different dogs, different characters - those who like to play with other dogs
and the staff, those who relax at the side enjoying peace and solitude, shy
ones, playful ones...there are as many characters as there are dogs. At DOG
INC., we go through a counseling system with the pet owners based on a
checklist they are asked to answer before accepting their dogs for the first
stay at the Day Care. We wish to provide the best care for each dog by
knowing his/her characteristics and daily lifestyle. Staff members are always
on the look out to protect the dogs from any harm or accidents as they
play. Also, separating the spacious room with movable fences help, for
instance, small-sized dogs afraid of larger ones, to play with comfort.
*Our facility may not be able to accept a dog according to his/her character,
i.e., overly aggressive or violent. Please refer to "Facility Rules" for details.
犬/ドギールーム画像 イヌ/ドギールーム画像 いぬ/ドギールーム画像
★Playing with other doggy pals ★Enjoying with staff member ★All tired out from play!
The Day Care service price list→ 料金表
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〒213-0002 1-1-5-1F Futako, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken
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