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Bath Service

The Bath course is a reasonable set including
brushing, nail clipping, anal gland expressing,
trimming around paw pads, whisker cutting, and
ear cleaning. Guests at the dog hotel and the day
care are also welcome to make use of this service.
- Those with tangled coats or fur knots will be
asked for an extra charge (¥550 or more).
- Partial haircuts are available (¥550 or more).
- Customers are free to bring in their own shampoo
from home. (Not subject for price reduction.)
Bath Price List →

Bath and Haircut Service

Consult the staff with the style of your taste. How
about a nice haircut to experience a change of style
for your lovely dog to go with a bath on hotel stay?
Bath and Haircat Price List →
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〒213-0002 1-1-5-1F Futako, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken
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